I didnt mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
I didnt want to hurt you
I was shivering inside
I didnt mean to hurt you
I'm just an ordinary person
I'm Sorry
I'm not perfect
I didnt mean to hurt you
But, I will alwayz luv u forever...
Friday, July 30, 2010
I am Sorry
Plan Hujung Minggu
Yoshhh...hujung minggu ni beberapa plan telah diatur oleh diri sendiri tanpa pengetahuan my dear (tp bila dia dh baca blog ni) abis terkantoi...:p...Anyway, berikut adalah plan yg telah diatur (skema x ayat ni, mcm nk tulis thesis jer bunyi)..Checklist amat penting dlm kehidupan kami sbb kalu x de pe2 plan dlm hr tersebut, maka kami akan Qada' tidoo..lama woooooo....:p
1) Window shopping sambil mencari perfume baru sbb semua perfume dh kering termasukla perfume kesayangku..PAco Rabbane...sob..sobb...aaarrrrr sedeyyy...Perfume ni bertahan selama 2-3 thn jugak la...Bau sgt lembut dan menggoda....(hahaha...kpd kaum hawa ley la cuba...:p)..
2) Menebas lalang-lalang yg semakin bermaharaja-lela kt depan umahku...hua hua..yang ni mmg nk kena cabut..URGENT sbb menyakitkan mataku...huhuh...Psycho x? :P...Target sblm bulan puasa..So, rasanya minggu ni agak sesuai...(kpd my dear..get ready to be bullied by me...)..Buli..buli..buli...:P
3) Akitiviti yg ni kurang berminat, tp dh menjadi kewajipan...semak paper utk conference ke APIEMS nanti...argghhh...tension2 sbb due dia hujung bln ni...so nak atau tidak esok (31/7/2010) WAJIB submit...at least kurangla 1 requirements utk lulus dlm pengajian PhD...chayokk2...paper ni dh siap cuma tunggu reply email drpd Supervisor utk semak and last touch-up apa2 yg patut...Conference ni sgt value coz ada standard ISI (jurnal yg boleh mendtgkan impak faktor yg tinggi), jarang ada persidangan yg ada standard ni.
P/S Dr.Muriati thank u so much...DR.Shah thanks sbb buat wake-up call pagi td utk jumpa Dr.Muriati..
4) Akitiviti yg ni mmg kami(wif my dear) mmg suke sgt...---> Jln2 di pasar malam Bangi Seksyen 1..Setiap hr Sabtu mmg kalu x de pe2 aral melintang pukang kami akan pergi...Sanggup meredah dr Bukit Jalil ke Bangi..kui kui...My fav, ermm ikut mood..kkdg semua nak..kebab special dr Razs kebab..murtabak Hafiz..char kuew tiaw Pulau Mutiara or Nasi Krabu (lupe nama kedai tu)..N my dear nyer Fav, kuih XXXXX......(x tau nama kuih ni sbb kuih ni agak pelikk) dijual pd hr Sabtu jer..Nanti kalu sempat amik pics weekend ni ley post next time...Tp my dear super duper gemar x tau nape..huhuh..layankan ajer....N lg 1 my dear sgt suke nasi lemak dgn kuah sotong+telur goreng..(ni lauk mls nk pikir plus pakcik ni masak pn sedap):p
5) Ingat nk tgk movee...tp x sure sempat ke x..huhuh..org ckp citer SALT best...best ke???
Hopefully, beberapa plan yg tlh dilistkan ni berjalan dgn lancar..yeay Luv Friday..weekend..wait for me...:D
1) Window shopping sambil mencari perfume baru sbb semua perfume dh kering termasukla perfume kesayangku..PAco Rabbane...sob..sobb...aaarrrrr sedeyyy...Perfume ni bertahan selama 2-3 thn jugak la...Bau sgt lembut dan menggoda....(hahaha...kpd kaum hawa ley la cuba...:p)..
2) Menebas lalang-lalang yg semakin bermaharaja-lela kt depan umahku...hua hua..yang ni mmg nk kena cabut..URGENT sbb menyakitkan mataku...huhuh...Psycho x? :P...Target sblm bulan puasa..So, rasanya minggu ni agak sesuai...(kpd my dear..get ready to be bullied by me...)..Buli..buli..buli...:P
3) Akitiviti yg ni kurang berminat, tp dh menjadi kewajipan...semak paper utk conference ke APIEMS nanti...argghhh...tension2 sbb due dia hujung bln ni...so nak atau tidak esok (31/7/2010) WAJIB submit...at least kurangla 1 requirements utk lulus dlm pengajian PhD...chayokk2...paper ni dh siap cuma tunggu reply email drpd Supervisor utk semak and last touch-up apa2 yg patut...Conference ni sgt value coz ada standard ISI (jurnal yg boleh mendtgkan impak faktor yg tinggi), jarang ada persidangan yg ada standard ni.
P/S Dr.Muriati thank u so much...DR.Shah thanks sbb buat wake-up call pagi td utk jumpa Dr.Muriati..
4) Akitiviti yg ni mmg kami(wif my dear) mmg suke sgt...---> Jln2 di pasar malam Bangi Seksyen 1..Setiap hr Sabtu mmg kalu x de pe2 aral melintang pukang kami akan pergi...Sanggup meredah dr Bukit Jalil ke Bangi..kui kui...My fav, ermm ikut mood..kkdg semua nak..kebab special dr Razs kebab..murtabak Hafiz..char kuew tiaw Pulau Mutiara or Nasi Krabu (lupe nama kedai tu)..N my dear nyer Fav, kuih XXXXX......(x tau nama kuih ni sbb kuih ni agak pelikk) dijual pd hr Sabtu jer..Nanti kalu sempat amik pics weekend ni ley post next time...Tp my dear super duper gemar x tau nape..huhuh..layankan ajer....N lg 1 my dear sgt suke nasi lemak dgn kuah sotong+telur goreng..(ni lauk mls nk pikir plus pakcik ni masak pn sedap):p
5) Ingat nk tgk movee...tp x sure sempat ke x..huhuh..org ckp citer SALT best...best ke???
Hopefully, beberapa plan yg tlh dilistkan ni berjalan dgn lancar..yeay Luv Friday..weekend..wait for me...:D
Monday, July 26, 2010
Isnin..oh Isnin..
6.45 pagi ku bangun pagi, gosok2 mata, tunggu giliran mandi, refill mknn Koko...bersiap2 utk ke UKM dan menghantar my dear ke office..
7.37 pagi ku terima SMS drpd Pensyarah "Salam siti fairuz, hari ni kul bape boleh jumpa sy jap"..hmmm...mesti ada keje mencabar..Chayokk2!
8.30 pagi ku tiba UKM...sarapan kuih dan nescafe ais..erkkkk..Alhamdulillah
9.30 pagi ku berjumpa Pensyarah.."siti fairuz tlg designkan plague utk majlis pelancaran guna Solidworks..3D model tu akan dimasukkan dlm machine RP sbg hadiah saguhati utk tetamu khas"...waaaaa...Syoknyaaa...me luv it..sy sgt suke bab2 design ni...use ur own creativity...
Berselang-seli main SMS ngan my Dear..(update about his job promotion)...Finally, Congratulation Dear, U deserve it!...Me n him are so happy n bersyukur dgn apa yg ada...
Mula berimaginasi..melakar..berimaginasi smula...start modeling...mengerah otak...x ingat nk lunch....
12.57 tgh hr ku terima panggilan drpd ibunda tercinta,mulala ku bertanya khabar..ngok ngek ngok ngek...gosiping..plus sangat gumbira coz mak dah jumpa semula anting2 lagi sebelah yg hilang kt umah kampung...yippie...TQ mum....
1.57 ptg ku SMS Pensyarah "Salam, Dr ada kt Fak x? sy nk tunjuk 1 design dh siap"....hohohoh kagum2 dpt siapkan...
2.45 ptg berjumpa Pensyarah.."Bagus2...(kembang kuncup disitu..:P) erm nanti tlg tambah itu ini lagi ubah ni sikit tolak ni sikit...OK good, nanti sy nk software kamu ni eh..mana kamu dpt? (huhuhu...mana lagi, kat BitTorrent)"..Pensyarah berkata lagi...'haaaa..siti fairuz nanti kalu ada kelas Sem ni kalu awk rajin boleh tlg sy, then awk dh isi ke borang tu..?' (Alhamdulillah...dpt tambah experience lg mengajar student..tambah lg rezekiku..yippie...syukurrr....
Ku edit2 model 3D td sehingga wujudlah version 1,2 n 3...huhuh...Yesss...esok ley print masuk machine...yahooo....
4.55 ptg..Nad masuk ke kabin 8 ku yg sunyi sepi itu..."Kak Juz...tau x...tadi kan...Pastu Dr minta sy dgn riko buat jurnal mcm ala-ala akak" huhuh..gosiping lg n plus 1 pujian drpd Dr..(kembang kuncup lg...:P) TQ for appreciating my works...P/S Jurnal dh hampir siap..kertas conference x siap lg..kena bekerja keras mlm ni..Chayok2!
5.59 ptg ku pulang menjemput my dear dan terus dinner di Warung Pak Ali...Sembang-sembang dan updates life for today...wooooo....
Balas panggilan Mak sbb x dpt jwb masa driving..."nanti jgn lupa baca Yassin 3x..mlm ni nisfu Syaaban"...wokeyyy Mak..I luv u...
7.30 mlm tiba rumah sambil melihat Koko lepak di tepi grill tingkap utk menghirup udara segar agaknya dan melihat kucing2 lain dr atas yg melepak di luar kwsn rumah...
Refill mknn Koko, mandi, solat...baca Yassin bersama2 my Dear...Alhamdulillahh...lega2....
Hatiku berbunga-bunga..x tau knapa...pe2 pun..I am so grateful..Thank U Allah...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Floria 2010
Last weekend, my elder sis (Kak Yam) inviting us ke rumah @ Putrajaya utk majlis kenduri doa selamat sempena Abg ipar baru bali dr Umrah..Abg ipar ku ni mmg aktif dalam komuniti di kwsn tersebut and for that dia pun dijemput untuk join rombongan pegawai2 besar Putrajaya ke Mekah..hmmm untung gak bersosial ngan org2 besar ni..huhuh..Anyway..oleh kerana my Sis ni memang kurengg sket katering2 ni coz dia mmg sangat pandai memasak n sedap pulak tu, so..pagi2 Sabtu dh bangun, mandi2..wangi2, panas enjin then terus menuju ke umah my Sis..At the same time, my mum dah calling2 tanya nk dijemput or nk p sendiri...Kebetulan pulak my mum ada kt KL..coincidentally dia mmg slalu la update aktiviti anak2 dia..(my mum mmg antenna satelit bergerak..slalu update ttg event2 or program family supaya semua alert..huhuh)..
Aduhaii...beginila my mum tiap kali ada pe2 family event..huhuh...Anyway, bagus gak ada alarm call cam ni..:P
hmmm...So, that morning its just me yg p umah my Sis...My dear still nyenyak2 ayam lg..sbb penat bekerja during weekday...Qada' tido....(I jelous okay...)..Well, no sweat..bila tibe umah akak tlg gaul2kan ayam dgn tepung n goreng skali...Easy work, smpi muka2 pn kena tepung sbb terlalu gigih...sambil tu usha2 jam tangan n then tetiba terfikir..akak aku ni nk buat kenduri kul bape? mlm ke siang? tetibe lak ada makhluk Allah mana ntah mention.."Baba dah tiba KLIA dah tu, ibu nk p jemput jap"..Sudahhh....rupa2nya kenduri tu tgh hr ni n I thought mlm, so ada masa nk pick up my dear..It turn up, terpaksala culik my niece teman amik dia kt Bukit Jalil semula...Cuci2 tgn, tinggal 1 round je lagi goreng ayam then drive tru Kl..weeeeeee
Calling2 my dear then suruh dia tunggu depan umah nanti...Tiba umah my Sis, majlis kenduri dh siap2 doa n tetamu2 sedang menikmati juadah...So, pe lagik..kami pun bedal gak...Makan..makan..makan...minum...minum...erkkkkk....Alhamdulillah kenyang...
P/S Pics not include coz that time tgh mode mls bergambar...hahah...
Wokeyyy...Apparently, my blog topic is about Floria 2010, tp nape lain plak citernya..mmmm..Mmg nk citer ttg Floria 2010 tapi mukadimah nyer la panjang lebarrr...huhuhu...Turn out, after we had foods and everything @ my Sis nyer kenduri doa selamat...Kami pun bertolak balik...Sbb dh singgah Putrajaya..kami pun usha2 banner sepanjang jln n tetiba teringat ttg Pesta Floria which has been mentioned by my niece..So, tercarik2 jugala banner about Floria..So, normally pesta ni always held @ Presenct 2..So, kami redah jer..Finally, jumpa gak..My dear mcm biasa suke buat pusingan tawaf2 dulu sblm parking..huhuh..:p
Cantik sangat2...Luv it all...tp sayang sbb kami dtg second last day n bunga2 utk pameran daripada pelbagai Sekolah2, Uni and Bandaraya dari seluruh Malaysia hampir layu and x berseri2 lg..but..me and my dear enjoy it sambil jadi "Pengadil" sendiri n decide which one is beautiful n magnificent in our eyes..huhuhu..Sedey coz UKM not involved in this competition...Apalaaa..UKM, IM so disappointed wif U..:p
P/S Thxs to my dear sbb super rajin snap all the beautiful pics..Compliment to him..dia mmg sgt pandai snap pics.
Yeah..and yang menarik gak dlm Floria ni ada Terrarium...mmg cool sgt..this thing ley dijadikan hobby jugak mcm menghias pokok Bonsai but Terrarium ni mcm we live in miniature world..then its up to us to creating our own miniature world..Cool...
Then, ada custom flower..fewyuhhh...mmg creative2 semuanya..Erm n I just snap fews yg commey2 jer..Mostly cartoon character..Im so childish..
Dh letih2..siap2 cuci mata smpi mata pun dh pinar2 penuh warna-warni mata ni plus kagum sgt (sbb ni 1st time visit Floria..huhuh) so kami sempat snapping together..weeeeeeeeeeeeee...eppi2...
Mak : Hello...aaaa..dah bgn lum??
Me : errr...dah ler (adusss sedapnya bantal empuk ni..katil empuk..noo....)
Mak : Ko nak aku jemput x? Kalu nak kang Lee ngan Agom dtg amik skali pastuh terus p umah Yam.
Me : errr...x yah arrr..org p sendirik...(dlm hati--> x mohh arrr kang derang singgah masuk umah aku yg mcm tongkang karam ni...hohoho..sure kena bebel...)
Mak : betol ni?
Me : Yer...betolll..kang org p sendirik...
Mak : aaa..yelahh..jgn lambat..kang Yam bising ko x tlg dia...
Me : Yolahhh...
Aduhaii...beginila my mum tiap kali ada pe2 family event..huhuh...Anyway, bagus gak ada alarm call cam ni..:P
hmmm...So, that morning its just me yg p umah my Sis...My dear still nyenyak2 ayam lg..sbb penat bekerja during weekday...Qada' tido....(I jelous okay...)..Well, no sweat..bila tibe umah akak tlg gaul2kan ayam dgn tepung n goreng skali...Easy work, smpi muka2 pn kena tepung sbb terlalu gigih...sambil tu usha2 jam tangan n then tetiba terfikir..akak aku ni nk buat kenduri kul bape? mlm ke siang? tetibe lak ada makhluk Allah mana ntah mention.."Baba dah tiba KLIA dah tu, ibu nk p jemput jap"..Sudahhh....rupa2nya kenduri tu tgh hr ni n I thought mlm, so ada masa nk pick up my dear..It turn up, terpaksala culik my niece teman amik dia kt Bukit Jalil semula...Cuci2 tgn, tinggal 1 round je lagi goreng ayam then drive tru Kl..weeeeeee
Calling2 my dear then suruh dia tunggu depan umah nanti...Tiba umah my Sis, majlis kenduri dh siap2 doa n tetamu2 sedang menikmati juadah...So, pe lagik..kami pun bedal gak...Makan..makan..makan...minum...minum...erkkkkk....Alhamdulillah kenyang...
P/S Pics not include coz that time tgh mode mls bergambar...hahah...
Wokeyyy...Apparently, my blog topic is about Floria 2010, tp nape lain plak citernya..mmmm..Mmg nk citer ttg Floria 2010 tapi mukadimah nyer la panjang lebarrr...huhuhu...Turn out, after we had foods and everything @ my Sis nyer kenduri doa selamat...Kami pun bertolak balik...Sbb dh singgah Putrajaya..kami pun usha2 banner sepanjang jln n tetiba teringat ttg Pesta Floria which has been mentioned by my niece..So, tercarik2 jugala banner about Floria..So, normally pesta ni always held @ Presenct 2..So, kami redah jer..Finally, jumpa gak..My dear mcm biasa suke buat pusingan tawaf2 dulu sblm parking..huhuh..:p
Cantik sangat2...Luv it all...tp sayang sbb kami dtg second last day n bunga2 utk pameran daripada pelbagai Sekolah2, Uni and Bandaraya dari seluruh Malaysia hampir layu and x berseri2 lg..but..me and my dear enjoy it sambil jadi "Pengadil" sendiri n decide which one is beautiful n magnificent in our eyes..huhuhu..Sedey coz UKM not involved in this competition...Apalaaa..UKM, IM so disappointed wif U..:p
P/S Thxs to my dear sbb super rajin snap all the beautiful pics..Compliment to him..dia mmg sgt pandai snap pics.
Yeah..and yang menarik gak dlm Floria ni ada Terrarium...mmg cool sgt..this thing ley dijadikan hobby jugak mcm menghias pokok Bonsai but Terrarium ni mcm we live in miniature world..then its up to us to creating our own miniature world..Cool...
Then, ada custom flower..fewyuhhh...mmg creative2 semuanya..Erm n I just snap fews yg commey2 jer..Mostly cartoon character..Im so childish..
Dh letih2..siap2 cuci mata smpi mata pun dh pinar2 penuh warna-warni mata ni plus kagum sgt (sbb ni 1st time visit Floria..huhuh) so kami sempat snapping together..weeeeeeeeeeeeee...eppi2...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Qada' Puasa
Masa zaman sekolah agama dulu2..Ustazah pernah bgtau bulan Rejab merupakan bulan Allah, Syaában bulan Nabi dan Ramadhan is for all umat muslimin n muslimah..Today 27 Rejab bulan Islam and tetibe mata ni start tgk2 jari yang sedang mengira2 bulan..minggu..dan hari....Damn, dah nk dekat puasa tapi kenapa la sindrom malas nak ganti ni susah betul nk avoid..So, next week dah tanam niat and berazam nk abiskan qada' puasa..So, for those yang belum nak ganti puasa lagi and suddenly terlupa mcm mana nk berniat puasa qada'..I guess this might help u guys...
pendapat sesetengah yang lain
"Jika anda berazam ingin melakukan qadha' puasa sebelum menjelang fajar, maka itulah yang dikatakan niat. Ini sudah memadai dan tidak perlu melakukan lafaz niat."
lafaz niat puasa qada'
نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى ( tidak wajib menyebut dengan lisan )
Sahaja aku puasa esok hari kerana ganti fardhu Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala ( wajib berniat )
pendapat sesetengah yang lain
"Jika anda berazam ingin melakukan qadha' puasa sebelum menjelang fajar, maka itulah yang dikatakan niat. Ini sudah memadai dan tidak perlu melakukan lafaz niat."
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cultural Visit
Seems like today I am so boring and laziness to think about researching stuff and so on..So, Im thinking of updating my rusty dusty blog and apparently I didn't write at all about my travelling adventure with my friends and family..Well, back in April, 2008 when I still active as a fellow in Kolej Pendeta Zaba, UKM. I was told to get involve with their activity programme that always held annually. And that year the committee choose to go to Indonesia and they've picked Yogyakarta. I felt so excited at that moment but at the same time I need to figure out about my financial issue (because Im a budgeting person :p). Thus, the month before we went there, I start saving and calculating my budgeting..And, everybody knows especially women...about the cloth and the textiles (the kain batik, kebaya...)there are so CHEAP! compare here in Malaysia..No offense okay, but Malaysian textiles are so EXPENSIVE..huhuhu..My expedition takes 4 days and we take Air Asia flight and landed at Solo Airport...It takes about 2 hours in the plane and my butt getting cramps..:p After the arrival, the tourist agent came and give a warm welcome...So nice of them..Each of us were given a scarf from batik that symbolize their country traditions..so sweet...
1st day trip : we went to University of Gadjah Mada ,the largest university in Indonesia in terms of student population. It is also one of the oldest universities in the country. UGM is located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Luv to visit here because this is one of the premier universities in Indonesia. And the academicians there are so polite and speak Malay baku very well... After briefing, I’ve took an opportunity to visit their faculties...huhuhu

2nd day: Trip to Borobudur Temple. Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the ninth century. Ohh well, thats what I heard through the tourist guide...The rest info about it went directly like pouring water on Taro leaves...:P (seperti mencurah air di daun keladi)..huhuh so hilarious, I didn’t keep the exact sentence in my thought to describe that proverbs..Wat eva...:D ..

Tadaaaa...Welcome to Borobudur...

Woooo...so many tourists..

Piece...facing the Borobudur temple entrace..So hot..

The tourist guide is telling the story about that mural..

Yeah...resting n relaxing and finally get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery.

One snap with the entourage..
Then, we went to fill up our 'battery engine' @ Nasi Padang..So hungry and the restaurant serve many dishes..yummy..

At night, me and my friends still energetic and hyperactively went to Malioboro Street. It is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta. 1st round window shopping, 2nd round bought some cloth as a souvenirs for my family and friends and most importantly for my beloved..I bought him short pants and Tshirts..

Then, along the sidewalks...I am so amuse with the street singer..They sang pretty good..Plus we end up singing together..huhuhu..Really enjoy that moment..

3rd day: We went to Prambanan, the most beautiful hindu temple in the world. The temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed. But, while we visiting this place, some of the building were collapse because of the earth quake and need highly maintenance.

I present u..tadaaa Prambanan temple..

The weather pretty hotzz and u can see through my oily and shiny face..:D

After finishing the last trip at the amazing place, me and my friends walking with super speed to avoid the seller that come over from the bushes...:P and forces us to buy their souvenirs and goods..with their passionate and puppy eyes pose plus hopingly me to buy their stuff, well I get to buy a bundle of keychain..hahaha..
Then, we went to Solo..You can buy anything made with batik in Solo. The fabrics range from silk to normal cotton. The ones made by hand (batik tulis) is of course more expensive than the ones made using the 'stamp' (batik cap).

Candid picture..:P
1st day trip : we went to University of Gadjah Mada ,the largest university in Indonesia in terms of student population. It is also one of the oldest universities in the country. UGM is located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Luv to visit here because this is one of the premier universities in Indonesia. And the academicians there are so polite and speak Malay baku very well... After briefing, I’ve took an opportunity to visit their faculties...huhuhu

2nd day: Trip to Borobudur Temple. Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the ninth century. Ohh well, thats what I heard through the tourist guide...The rest info about it went directly like pouring water on Taro leaves...:P (seperti mencurah air di daun keladi)..huhuh so hilarious, I didn’t keep the exact sentence in my thought to describe that proverbs..Wat eva...:D ..

Tadaaaa...Welcome to Borobudur...

Woooo...so many tourists..

Piece...facing the Borobudur temple entrace..So hot..

The tourist guide is telling the story about that mural..

Yeah...resting n relaxing and finally get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery.

One snap with the entourage..
Then, we went to fill up our 'battery engine' @ Nasi Padang..So hungry and the restaurant serve many dishes..yummy..

At night, me and my friends still energetic and hyperactively went to Malioboro Street. It is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta. 1st round window shopping, 2nd round bought some cloth as a souvenirs for my family and friends and most importantly for my beloved..I bought him short pants and Tshirts..

Then, along the sidewalks...I am so amuse with the street singer..They sang pretty good..Plus we end up singing together..huhuhu..Really enjoy that moment..

3rd day: We went to Prambanan, the most beautiful hindu temple in the world. The temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed. But, while we visiting this place, some of the building were collapse because of the earth quake and need highly maintenance.

I present u..tadaaa Prambanan temple..

The weather pretty hotzz and u can see through my oily and shiny face..:D

After finishing the last trip at the amazing place, me and my friends walking with super speed to avoid the seller that come over from the bushes...:P and forces us to buy their souvenirs and goods..with their passionate and puppy eyes pose plus hopingly me to buy their stuff, well I get to buy a bundle of keychain..hahaha..
Then, we went to Solo..You can buy anything made with batik in Solo. The fabrics range from silk to normal cotton. The ones made by hand (batik tulis) is of course more expensive than the ones made using the 'stamp' (batik cap).

Candid picture..:P
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